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Eu projects - GIFT 2.0

 GIFT 2.0 logo Greece-Italy sito    Logo progetto GIFT sito 

The GIFT 2.0 – Greece Italy Facilities for Transport and Logistics 2.0 project - approved within the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece Italy 2007/2013” – Axis 2 - "Improve accessibility to sustainable networks and services"/measure 2.2 – "Improvement of transport, information and communication networks and services" - aimed to prove that, through an integrated system of transport management and logistics (capable of combining ITS with the optimization of the existing infrastructures for the Puglia – Adriatic-Ionian Greece area) it is possible to overcome the cross-border discontinuity as well as to transform the area in a macro logistic platform, to manage flows through an integrated ticketing system, to attract new traffic and to enhance the supply of the existing ones.

The Taranto Port Authority has been involved in the project as implementing body of the Lead Partner Regione Puglia - Assessorato alle Infrastrutture Strategiche e Mobilità – Ufficio Logistica e Grandi Progetti -  in order to implement the pilot case “4TL Taranto Think Tank for Transport and Logistics” which included the following activities:

  • creation of a Think Tank on transport and logistics whose activities were focused on research and analysis of intermodal transport models aimed at planning training projects related to the workshops addressed to graduates specialised in maritime, port, logistics and transport fields;
  • organization, in cooperation with the Universities of Salento and Patrasso, of no. 6 thematic workshops on transport and logistics;
  • realization of dissemination activities for the promotion of project results through the adhesion to International Observatories that could ensure to reach operators specialized in the fields of transport and logistics and promote the project both at cross-border level and in the Mediterranean basin;
  • support to the Lead Partner in the definition of a computerized platfrom called ’Trivago delle merci” through the analysis of traffic flows in the port of Taranto.

The project partnership is as follows:

  • Lead Partner: Regione Puglia - Assessorato alle Infrastrutture Strategiche e Mobilità – Ufficio Logistica e Grandi Progetti;
  • Partners: Province of Bari; Chamber of Commerce of Bari; University of Salento (Centro Cultura Innovativa d'Impresa); Province of BAT; Innopolis – Centre for Innovation and Culture; Region of Western Greece; - University of Patrasso – Ioannina Chamber of Commerce - Achaia Chamber of Commerce.

The project ended on 31.12.2015.

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